Grandchildren Answers


Here is the wisdom of our youth.  They are great!


Grandpa’s Question: What do you like to do for Family Home Evening?
Adam’s Answer: “Listen.”
Grandpa’s Comment: Wow Adam, what a great answer.  We can all learn from you.  We are so proud of you.


Grandpa’s Question: Who loves you?
Olivia’s Answer: “Grandma and Grandpa.”
Grandpa’s Comment: Olivia that is exactly the answer we hoped for.  We do love you and are so glad that you know it.


Grandpa’s Question: Why is the way we dress important to our Heavenly Father?
Katy’s Answer: To show appreciation to our Heavenly Father for the gift of our bodies he gave us.
Grandpa’s Comment: Very well said Katy, thank you.


Grandpa’s Question: Why are temples important to you?
AJ’s Answer: It is used throughout our lives. Baptisms, marriages, etc…  It is Heavenly Father’s house.  It is holy ground.
Grandpa’s Comment: You are setting a good example of these principles with the temple work you have already done.  Thanks AJ.


Grandpa’s Question: What were the promises we each make when we are baptized?
Mary’s Answer: Won’t sin, Remember to follow the commandments.
Grandpa’s Comment: Thank you Mary, you are right and we all need to always keep those promises.


Grandpa’s Question: Why do we celebrate Easter?
Rachel’s Answer: Easter bunny leaves eggs.
Grandpa’s Comment: Yes Rachel, the Easter bunny brings us eggs because from an egg comes new life and it reminds us that because of the resurrection of Jesus we will also be resurrected to a new life.


Grandpa’s Question: Why do you love your cousins?
Stephanie’s Answer: Cousins
Grandpa’s Comment: Stephanie knows that we love cousins because they are cousins, all a part of our eternal family.  Good answer Stephanie.


Grandpa’s Question: Who loves you?
Annabeth’s Answer: (smile)
Grandpa’s Comment: We all wish that Annabeth were here, (with her whole family) and we could see that beautiful smile.

Emilee Beaumont August 17, 2012Emilee

Grandpa’s Question: Why do you love being on a mission?
Emilee’s Answer: I love my companion, love the area, and seriously love, love the Philippines.  I love her (companion) so much and we have the most fun together! I never knew missionaries were allowed to laugh as hard as we do! I really, really love the people here. They are so friendly and sociable. Oh, my apartment!! It’s really nice actually. It’s blue on the inside and has two rooms upstairs, a kitchen, laundry area, and bathroom. And… drum roll…. flushing toilets and shower water! The food is really, really good! I love it all! It’s so beautiful here- even the rundown city life of Batangas. I wish you could be here to see it. I love the president! He’s so amazing! He’s very understanding, humble, but also bold. One of his many mottos is, if you want to go home- you can’t, I’ve got your passport. Haha, don’t even worry president. There is NO WAY I want to do that!  Heavenly Father’s plan, in the works.
Grandpa’s comment: You make us all want to be out serving with you Emilee.  Thank you for your wonderful example.


Grandpa’s Question:  Why do you like you like to talk to your Great-grandma Warby?
Kaylee’s Answer:  Because she is my Grandma and I like my Grandma.
Grandpa’s Comment: I love your Great-grandma too because, she is my mommy.


Grandpa’s Question:  How is the teaching of Jesus in 3 Nephi 11:29, important for happy families?
Tanner’s Answer:  It helps us learn not to fight with each other because then we are not following Jesus Christ we are following the devil and we want to follow in Jesus Christ’s footsteps not the devils.
Grandpa’s Comment: Tanner, that is a very thoughtful and mature answer.  We will all have happy families if we do as you have taught us.


Grandpa’s Question:  What are some things that you are doing to prepare to be an honorable holder of the priesthood?
Matt’s Answer:  Pray every night and keeping the Sabbath day holy.
Grandpa’s Comment.  You are going to be a noble priesthood holder as you continue to do that, Matt.  Thank you for that wisdom.


Grandpa’s Question:  How can we make our prayers more meaningful?
Isaac’s Answer:  We can change the words we use so we are not doing the same prayers.  We can thank him more than we ask for blessings and we can always kneel if we can.
Grandpa’s Comment: Thank you Isaac, we will all become better at our prayers if we practice what you have taught us.

Trevor BeaumontTrevor

Grandpa’s Question: Why is it important to always select friends with strong moral character and high standards?
Trevor’s Answer: A survey was given to a few stakes within the church. The results found that most people whose friends married in the temple, also married in the temple. Those who had friends who had not married in the temple had not done so as well. Many surveys that have been given show that a friend’s influence has become and is usually a more dominant influence than their parents in these days. This is especially true going into teen years of age. This makes all the more importance of choosing good friends. We need to find the friends that are striving for the same eternal and spiritual goals as we are. The friends we choose are a reflection of some of the qualities we are looking for in our own lives. It is important that we choose good friends so that the influences we are receiving are pure and are in harmony with the teachings of the gospel, and thus, so will our lives be.
Grandpa’s Comment: An answer of this quality should be published in the Ensign.

Nate Beaumont August 17, 2012Nate

Grandpa’s Question: Why is it important to fulfill church or family assignments that may
seem difficult or uncomfortable to do?

Nate’s Answer: By coming to Earth we have agreed to follow God’s plan and it is he who gives us those necessary callings. Not only are these callings necessary for us and our growth but most especially others, that is why we have callings on Earth so that we may help others and we receive the benefit of strengthening ourselves as well. It may seem uncomfortable for you at times but the Plan was never about the individual but for the entire world. It shouldn’t be our saying whether we choose to serve or not, it is a commandment of God and you, if worthy, are obligated to do that calling. Do not think that you are inadequate for Nephi stated “I will go and do the thing which the Lord hath commanded, for I know the Lord giveth no commandment unto the children of men save he shall prepare a way….” Nephi, as strong as he was, understood the importance of following the commandments of God and he knew God would be there to help him the entire way. And yes, your callings in Church and Family are a Commandment of God.

Grandpa’s Comments: I read this to Grandma and she said “wow”.  We want to know which General Authority help you write this.  Good job Nate.


Grandpa’s Question: Do angels have wings?
Angel’s Answer: No they don’t!
Grandpa’s Comment: I knew that an angel would know the right answer to that question.  Thank you Angel.


Grandpa’s Question: Why is it important to work each day to make our testimonies stronger?
CJ’s Answer: Because a testimony shows others our faith in the church, and can be an example to those around us especially those that do not have the gospel.
Grandpa’s Comment: That is a great answer CJ.  I will try to be a better example, as you have taught us to.


Grandpa’s Question: What are three things that we can do each day to get closer to Heavenly
Aidan’s Answer: Pray, scriptures, be nice to others.
Grandpa’s Comment: Those are three very important things for us to do every day.  Thanks for reminding us Aidan.


Grandpa’s Question: What did you and your family do to prepare you for baptism?
Isaiah’s Answer: Praying, reading scriptures, family home evening
Grandpa’s Comment: Doing those things prepared you very well.  I hope that each of your younger cousins follow your good example.


Grandpa’s Question: What makes you happy?
Phoebe’s Answer: Being able to communicate with my tablet
Grandpa’s Comment: That makes me happy too Phoebe.  I am proud of you.


Grandpa’s Question:  What are some ways that living the Golden Rule (Matt 7:12) has helped you be happy?
James’ Answer:  If you don’t do the Golden Rule then you feel bad about it.
Grandpa’s Comment: Good answer James. I know that you are nice to everyone and that makes you and others happy.


Grandpa’s Question: You are such a pretty girl, what does it mean to be beautiful on the inside?
Gabriella’s  Answer:  Someone that is beautiful on the inside always feels the Holy Spirit.
Grandpa’s Comment: That is true Gabriella and you are beautiful on the inside too.


Grandpa’s Question:  What does James 4:7 teach us to do?
Andrew’s Answer:  Don’t follow the devil and he will be scared of you.  Satan is the bad one.  Satan is the devil.
Grandpa’s Comment: Andrew, you teach with such passion.  You are great missionary already.


Grandpa’s Question:  Who loves you?
Elisabeth’s Answer:  Mommy loves me, daddy loves me, Gabby loves me, Andrew loves me, James loves me, Grandma loves me, Grandpa loves me and Louisa loves me.
Grandpa’s Comment: Yes, everyone loves you Elisabeth. All those you mentioned, (especially Grandpa), plus, all your aunts, uncles and cousins love you.  More than any, your Heavenly Father and Jesus love you.